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Do you struggle with problem-solving in physics

Most of the students are struggling with problem_solving in physics One of the main reason is that they do not know about the relation between the formula and the question. There is one method that leads you to find the answer. This method is knowing that answer is inside the question so read the question, Start to write your data or given then you can find suitable formula from your formula sheets( that formula which include all your given is the best formula), if you live in ontario you have formulla sheet when you have exam. But maybe in other places maybe you should memorize the fotmula dependent to where you live.After finding sepecific formula, substitute the number inside the formula, just be careful about the unit of each term.

Sometimes for finding the suitable formula you need draw the diagram especially in kinetic and mechanic subjects. Drawing formula help you to understand better about the question choose better formlu.

How can you solve physics problems

For example

The 2 kg ball moving by 20 m/s find the kinetic energy of that?

First step, read the question And right you’re given:




Second step look at your formula sheet and find the best formula just keep in your mind the best formula includes all of your data or given.

I find this formula K=½mv²

Third step, substitute the number you From your given on your formula.


K=400 j

Please pay attention to units, when you substitute their number on your formula.

Sometimes you need convert the unit.

Watch the vidio for better understsnding.

After watching vidio clip start to solve these problems

1.What is velocity of 1000kg car when the kinetic energy is


2.what is mass of a swimmer when move 2 m/s

with 20 kinetice energy?

3.find kinetice energy of 5kg rabbit which is move 1m/s?


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